FF Global Capital


2022 Key Numbers

Solar energy: Here comes the sun a cheap and emissions-free technology, we shine a light on solar’s potential and how investors can look to tap into this growth opportunity.

Three of our seven leading indicators of U.S. recession have unequivocally reached levels that would signal an economic downturn is on the way.

Fresh off a market bounce that was partly sparked by better-thanfeared Q2 earnings reports, investors should consider where U.S. corporate profits could be headed next year. While we think the bulk of market risks are in the rearview mirror, it may take more time to reveal whether the economic and earnings vulnerabilities have been fully incorporated into stock prices.


Latest Insights

The presence of “tight money” points to a U.S. economic downturn drawing ever nearer, as are the challenges for equity investors.

The developed world faces a long stretch of slow growth. We look at the reasons for the downshift, and how it could impact equity investing.


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